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Another Blessed Day in God’s House!

As Jesus’ earthly ministry drew to a close, some of the religious leaders of the day did everything they could to try to trip Him up, or catch him in His words. In Matthew 22, this is particularly evident as they took counsel on how to ensnare Him – first the disciples of the Pharisees came with the Herodians; then it was the Sadducees; followed by a lawyer, but rather than fall prey to their devices, the Master skillfully answered each question leaving His listeners amazed. Like the Living Word, the Bible too has, The Answers to Life’s Questions.

Being our monthly hymn sing, this evening’s message was a little shorter due to the extra singing. We concluded this blessed evening by spending time in Psalm 116, concluding our thoughts from last Sunday night. In a message entitled, Demonstrating Your Love for God, we considered how our lives can show our love for the One Who loved us so!

As we were blessed by the time spent with God today, we trust that you too will be blessed by these messages.