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Father’s Day

Yesterday was a day to honour fathers. Though not all fathers are worthy of being honoured, many are and we thank them for the ways they have lived up to their God-given role. Last night we enjoyed hearing some testimonies about fathers who impacted their children’s lives, and about fathers who had become believers in Jesus Christ.  Some tears were shed, but…

A Living Lord

At this time of year, we remember the resurrection of Christ from the grave.  There is no doubt that He is alive based on the Scriptures which record the eye witness accounts of those who saw Jesus after He rose again.  Both in and out of Scripture, the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection is cleared seen.  One of the ways that we know…

A Great Day!

We rejoice in a great day on Sunday at Friends & Family Day, and thank God for working in our midst! We had a wonderful time with friends old and new, God used Pastor Phil Clayton to speak to our hearts through His Word, and many decisions were made for the Lord. If you missed it, we missed you too!  The messages…

Audio Sermons

Though the best way to hear the sermon is to attend our services, we are glad to provide our Sunday sermons online for those who are unable to attend our services.  We trust that these messages will be used of God to challenge you and strengthen you in your faith, and that if you don’t yet know the Lord Jesus Christ personally,…

It’s Summertime!

Summertime is a wonderful time of the year! The warm weather and longer days lend themselves to a more relaxing schedule. Add to that the long weekends and vacations and the result is an enjoyable time for sure. Enjoyable as it may be, summertime can also be a time that is detrimental to our faith as we get out of our regular…

Thankful for Good Men

This weekend as I lay in bed with the flu, I was thankful to know that the church was in good hands. After all, it isn’t “my” church, it is God’s, and He is the One who is in control. It is His Word, not mine that will change the hearts and lives of people. Though I really don’t like being sick…

Listen Online

Though it is not a substitute for being in church, for those who weren’t able to attend, or would like to listen again, we make our sermons available online. Just look under the “Audio Sermons” tab, and you will see the sermons listed by year. We trust these messages will be used of God to speak to your heart, as they did…

Updated Audio

If you follow our audio sermons online, you will notice that they have not been as up to date as usual.  Between vacation, the soundboard computer doing “double duty” and a busy schedule, we got a little behind and do apologize for any inconvenience.  . We are thankful for the faithful preaching of God’s Word here at Beacon, whether by our pastor or…

Audio Troubles

For those who like to listen to our online sermons, we apologize that we were not able to record the messages this past Sunday.  Unfortunately, our equipment didn’t like the upgrade to Windows 10.  We may be able to access the sound file from our video, but won’t be able to get to that for a week or two.  We should be…

Updated Audio

We have been a little behind on uploading our sermons of late, for which we apologize. However, we are happy to report that the 2015 Audio Sermons page is now up to date. Be sure to look back as there were a few added from earlier in May, as well as the last few weeks of June. Although it is preferable to…

Blessings Abounding

God has greatly blessed us and we are rejoicing in His goodness to us! On April 26 in our morning service we were blessed to have the Smith family with us. God has lead them to Ottawa, where they plan to work in a church before setting out to start a new church in our nation’s capital. On the evening of April…

He is Alive!

Although last Sunday was “Resurrection Sunday”, the truth is every Sunday we meet as a church, we are celebrating Jesus’ resurrection from the grave, and the victory it provides. This Sunday’s messages were from our verse for the month of April, I Peter 1:3, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten…

The Mid-winter Blues!

Well, here we are in the middle of winter. It’s been cold & snowy for a month or more & it’s easy to get a little down.  Maybe you’ve been afflicted with a cold or flu – or both – that can get you down.  Others may have flown to the south, but you are here – they are vacationing & you are…

New Sermons On-line

After a brief delay, we have posted the sermons for the past 2 weeks. We generally try to get them uploaded within a few days of them being preached, and apologize for the delay! Though listening to messages online doesn’t equal being in church, we trust that these messages will be a help and a blessing to you. If you have a…

New Sermons Posted

We have posted the messages for the last couple of Sundays on our Audio Sermons Page ~ sorry for the delay. We have been greatly blessed in our church of late, and God has spoken to our hearts through the preaching of His Word, resulting in people trusting the Lord as their Saviour, and Christians making decisions for Christ. Audio sermons certainly…

Happy Father’s Day!

We had a great day at church on Sunday. The celebration of Father’s Day wouldn’t be complete without taking time to worship our heavenly Father. The morning message was a continuation of our theme of faith, and this morning we considered one of the most well-known Bible characters – David. Known as the youth who fought a giant named Goliath, David became…