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Happy Father’s Day!

We had a great day at church on Sunday. The celebration of Father’s Day wouldn’t be complete without taking time to worship our heavenly Father.

The morning message was a continuation of our theme of faith, and this morning we considered one of the most well-known Bible characters – David. Known as the youth who fought a giant named Goliath, David became the best known king of Israel. There is little doubt that his greatness is due in large part to his faith in God. From youth, through to the end of his life, David exemplified a life of faith, and though he certainly was not perfect, we would do well to follow his example in, Developing a Life of Faith.

This evening we took the text of our message from our verse for June, Acts 16:5. A verse which is in keeping with our theme for 2014, of increase. In a message entitled, Established and Increasing, we considered the correlation between being established in the faith, and increasing in number. In a day where many are not established in their faith, we see that it is important to the growth of Bible believing Christians and churches.

Though nothing can replace being in church and hearing a sermon live, we trust that you will be blessed and challenged by these messages. If you have any questions about the messages you hear on this site, please contact us.