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It’s Summertime!

Summertime is a wonderful time of the year! The warm weather and longer days lend themselves to a more relaxing schedule. Add to that the long weekends and vacations and the result is an enjoyable time for sure.

Enjoyable as it may be, summertime can also be a time that is detrimental to our faith as we get out of our regular routines, and often miss church, and personal time with God. Sunday night’s message, Don’t Waste the Summer, deals with this subject, giving us ideas on how to avoid a “summer slump” in our Christian life.

If you are unable to attend church any Sunday this summer, we encourage you to check out the “Audio Sermons” page of our website to catch up with the messages being preached. Though audio sermons don’t substitute for being in church, they can be a help to keep you in tune with the Lord when your schedule keeps you from church.

May you enjoy your summer, and keep your eyes on the Lord!