No Evening Service August 4th

Special Notices

It’s Summertime!

Summertime is a wonderful time of the year! The warm weather and longer days lend themselves to a more relaxing schedule. Add to that the long weekends and vacations and the result is an enjoyable time for sure. Enjoyable as it may be, summertime can also be a time that is detrimental to our faith as we get out of our regular…

Happy Father’s Day!

Beacon Baptist Church would like to wish all the dads a happy Father’s Day. Being a dad has never been an easy task and it certainly isn’t getting any easier, but today as ever, we need Godly, dedicated fathers. Fathers who are dedicated to God, fathers who are dedicated to truth, fathers who are dedicated to their families. God has told us…

He Lives!

Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus died the most cruel, horrific for of death – He was crucified. Why did He do it you ask? He died in our place, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.  After dying, He was placed in a tomb, where His lifeless body lay for 3 days. To many, the situation seemed…

Father’s Day

Sunday, June 21, 2015 is Father’s Day. It’s a day set aside to honour “dad”, and truly there are many dads who deserve to be honoured for their love and devotion to their family.  Actually God tells children to honour both their father and their mother, Exodus 20:12, not just one day, but all the time.  This despite the fact that God recognizes…

March Break

Wow, it’s the middle of March already – spring really is just around the corner! With March break this week, we will not be having our usual bi-weekly Children’s Bible Club this Tuesday. We hope the children have a safe, healthy and happy March break, and enjoy their time off school.  Our next Children’s Bible Club will be held on Tuesday, March…

Spring Forward 1 hour

I’m sure most, if not all of us are looking forward to spring. The warmer weather; the blooming flowers; budding trees; and the smell of fresh cut grass! Yes, they are all on their way ~ soon! One of the necessary steps to preparing for spring is the beginning of Daylight Savings Time ~ the clocks going AHEAD 1 hour, and that…

Candlelight Carol Sing

Join us at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, December 24th for a candlelight carol sing. We’ll be singing Christmas carols and reading the Christmas story. It won’t be a long service ~ about 45 minutes ~ but is sure to put you in the Christmas spirit, as we consider the reason we celebrate and reflect on the greatest Gift ever given. We hope…

Thanksgiving Weekend Schedule

With this being the Thanksgiving weekend, we have a couple of schedule changes. Friday, October 10th – there is no Teen Time on October 10th – hope to see you on the 24th at 7:00 PM! Sunday, October 12th – we will meet for our morning service and children’s church at 10:30 AM as usual.  We are having an afternoon Praise Service at 1:00…

Have a Blessed Christmas!

Wishing each one a blessed Christmas celebrating the birth of our Saviour. Though we think of Him at this time of year as a baby in a manger, remember that His purpose for coming was to save us from our sins. Never has a greater gift been offered than salvation through Jesus Christ. Praise God that salvation is available to all who will receive…

Cancellation – Update

Unfortunately we have had to cancel all services today because of the weather, and lack of hydo. Wishing each one a very blessed Christmas as we celebrate Jesus’ birth! Remember, He came in love, to save us all from our sin. What a wonderful Saviour!