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Father’s Day

Sunday, June 21, 2015 is Father’s Day. It’s a day set aside to honour “dad”, and truly there are many dads who deserve to be honoured for their love and devotion to their family.  Actually God tells children to honour both their father and their mother, Exodus 20:12, not just one day, but all the time.  This despite the fact that God recognizes that neither fathers, nor mothers are perfect.

This Sunday at Beacon Baptist Church, we will be honouring the dads who are in our midst, but we will also be honouring our loving Heavenly Father, the One who gave life to all, and offers eternal life and salvation to all who will receive it.

Won’t you come and join us as we worship God our Father this Sunday? Our services are at 10:30 AM, and 6:00 PM.  Dad, bring your children; children, bring your dad.  We look forward to seeing you!