No Evening Service August 4th

Special Events

A Great Day!

We rejoice in a great day on Sunday at Friends & Family Day, and thank God for working in our midst! We had a wonderful time with friends old and new, God used Pastor Phil Clayton to speak to our hearts through His Word, and many decisions were made for the Lord. If you missed it, we missed you too!  The messages…

Sunday, April 2nd is Friends & Family Day

Sunday, April 2nd is Friends & Family Day at Beacon Baptist Church. Though visitors are invited to attend any of our services, this will be a special day.  Pastor Philip Clayton will be speaking in both services.  Pastor Clayton has been a friend of Pastor Wyatt and Beacon Baptist Church for many years and we are looking forward to having him and…

Christmas Services

We recognize that this is a busy time of the year, but we encourage you to make time to worship the Lord throughout the holidays. After all, He is the reason for our celebration. Our service schedule is as follows: Sunday, December 25th, 10:30 am Wednesday, December 28th, 7:00 pm Sunday, January 1st, 10:30 am We invite you to come and worship…

Happy Father’s Day!

Beacon Baptist Church would like to wish all the dads a happy Father’s Day. Being a dad has never been an easy task and it certainly isn’t getting any easier, but today as ever, we need Godly, dedicated fathers. Fathers who are dedicated to God, fathers who are dedicated to truth, fathers who are dedicated to their families. God has told us…

He Lives!

Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus died the most cruel, horrific for of death – He was crucified. Why did He do it you ask? He died in our place, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.  After dying, He was placed in a tomb, where His lifeless body lay for 3 days. To many, the situation seemed…

Christmas Eve Service

We are looking forward to our Christmas Eve service at 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 24/15. We invite you to join us as we sing some carols, read the story of Christ’s birth, and reflect on the wonders of His coming. All Welcome!

Christmas Schedule

At this special time of the year as we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ, Who came to save us from our sins, we invite you to worship with us.  Our Christmas services are as follows: Christmas Sunday, December 20th, 10:30 AM, Morning Service with a special presentation by the children 6:00 PM, Evening service Christmas Eve, December 24th, 6:00 PM, Candlelight Carol…

Come and Sing with Us!

Most months the last Sunday evening service of the month is our “Favourites, Testimonies and Fellowship” night.  We take a little longer to sing the requests of the congregation; usually there is a “hymn story” about the origin of a particular hymn, or how a song was used of God; some folks share how God has blessed them, or worked in their…

Sunday November 8th is Friend Day!

True friends are an invaluable resource as we journey through life.  They are there through thick and thin, offering advice, support and a helping hand when needed. They speak truthfully even when it is hard, encouraging us to do right. The Bible is full of examples of friendship, but the greatest example is Jesus Christ Himself.  In John 15:13 He said, Greater love hath no…

Sunday, September 27th

On Sunday, September 27th, we are excited to have Mark Logan in our services. Once the Pastor of Northside Baptist Church in Waterloo, Bro. Logan now travels around the world to spread the Gospel, and train nationals to teach and preach God’s Word. Come and hear what the Lord is doing through His ministry, and be challenged to be a part of…

Wonderful Weekend!

We are thankful for a great day on Sunday. We had 1 believer follow the Lord in baptism, and another join in membership. We had a good crowd, and a wonderful time of fellowship as we had a picnic outside! God is so good, and we praise Him for His goodness to us.

Father’s Day

Sunday, June 21, 2015 is Father’s Day. It’s a day set aside to honour “dad”, and truly there are many dads who deserve to be honoured for their love and devotion to their family.  Actually God tells children to honour both their father and their mother, Exodus 20:12, not just one day, but all the time.  This despite the fact that God recognizes…

Anniversary Blessings

We had a wonderful day yesterday as we celebrated the 13th anniversary of Beacon Baptist Church. We were blessed by the ministry of the Featherstone Family; we reflected on God’s blessings over the past 13 years, and enjoyed fellowship and cake together! We praise God for all He has done, and look forward to what He has in store for the future.

Celebrating 13 Years!

On the first Sunday of June 2002, the first service of Beacon Baptist Church was held in a storefront in Hespeler, Cambridge. This Sunday we are celebrating our 13th anniversary and invite YOU to come and celebrate with us at 143 Glenmorris Street, Cambridge. Our services are at 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM, and we will have the Featherstone Family with us,…