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Back to the Old Routine

Well, here we are at the beginning of September. Though summer is not officially over and we hope to enjoy summer weather for a few more weeks, with school started back up again, it’s time to get back to the “routine” of life. Though we often speak of the “old” routine, there is something to be said for that routine. Oh don’t get me wrong, I love the summer with its long days, vacations and flexibility, but there is something to be said for a bit more structure and stability in life.

Speaking of routine and structure, we are getting ready to roll out our fall programs here at Beacon. Keep your eyes on this page, and we’ll be announcing the “start up dates” for our children’s club, and a new aspect of our youth ministry, as well as some special meetings throughout the fall.

Oh, and by the way, have you thought of including God in your routine? He longs to meet with you daily, and have you gather to worship Him each Sunday. Our services are Sundays at 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM ~ we invite you to join us as we meet to praise the Lord, and hear from His Word.