No Evening Service August 4th

The Mid-winter Blues!

Well, here we are in the middle of winter.

It’s been cold & snowy for a month or more & it’s easy to get a little down.  Maybe you’ve been afflicted with a cold or flu – or both – that can get you down.  Others may have flown to the south, but you are here – they are vacationing & you are here working – that can get you down.  The reality is that there are many things that get us down in life & leave us discouraged:

  • mistakes & sins of our past, things we have done that we regret
  • feeling like nobody understands our circumstances, or cares about our needs
  • fears of all kinds, and feeling alone in difficult situations
  • troubles & trials of life of life that would seem to overwhelm us
  • feeling like all our plans have failed & not knowing what to do or which way to turn
  • doubts & disillusionments in life can lead to despondency & despair

As in all areas of life, whether it be those mid-winter blahs, or some other circumstance, the Bible has the cure; the answer is found in the words, Be of Good Cheer!  This Sunday’s messages were geared with these thoughts in mind, and we encourage you to “tune in” and listen to them.  Whether it is you that needs to be cheered up, or someone you know, we pray that these sermons – and those yet to come – will be a help.