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Blessings Abounding

God has greatly blessed us and we are rejoicing in His goodness to us!

On April 26 in our morning service we were blessed to have the Smith family with us. God has lead them to Ottawa, where they plan to work in a church before setting out to start a new church in our nation’s capital.

On the evening of April 26, we had our monthly favourites and testimonies night, followed by a time of food and fellowship.  What a blessing to hear from several folks as to the work God is doing in their lives, and their desire to tell others about Him.  Due to the wonderful time of testimony, God directed our hearts to Malachi 3 for the message, which speaks of how God’s people spoke often to each other, and a book of remembrance was written.

On April 28, at our Children’s Bible Club, we had a wonderful time as the children spent their “Beacon Bucks” on prizes kindly donated for this important ministry.  A good time was had by all!

On May 3, we were blessed to see a young couple follow the Lord in baptism, and rejoiced to see many family and friends come to witness this wonderful event.  God was at work in our midst, and decisions were made.

What a great thing to see the evidence of God’s work in peoples hearts and lives – He is alive and well!