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He is Alive!

Although last Sunday was “Resurrection Sunday”, the truth is every Sunday we meet as a church, we are celebrating Jesus’ resurrection from the grave, and the victory it provides.

This Sunday’s messages were from our verse for the month of April, I Peter 1:3, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  The messages entitled, A Lively Hope, spoke of the fact that we have a living faith, in a living God.  In the morning, we spoke of The Praise Due to God, for giving us a lively hope, and The Place to Call Home, because of our lively hope.  Though due to some technical difficulties, we were unable to record all the evening sermon, it continued the theme of our lively hope, dealing with The Power to Keep us, and The Purpose in Trials.  It’s a wonderful thing to have a lively hope because Jesus rose again!