No Evening Service August 4th

Back to “Normal”

As we start the 2nd full week of 2016, we are getting used to being back to our “normal” schedule.  Over the holidays we often shift things around a bit, and though a change is nice, it’s good to get back into the regular “routine” again.

We invite you to join us as we have our services each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM; Sunday evening at 6:00 PM; and Wednesday night at 7:00 PM.  In addition, we have our Children’s Bible Club every other Tuesday, and Teen Time every other Friday, both at 7:00 PM.

Though church attendance is a good “habit” to get into, it is much more than a habit – it is an opportunity to meet with God, and hear from His Word.  If you can’t make it out to church, we remind you that our Sunday sermons are available on this website under the “Audio Sermons” tab.