No Evening Service August 4th

April 14th Sermons

This morning in our study of Matthew, we came to the end of chapter 21. In this portion of Scripture, Jesus is still dealing with the priests and Pharisees, responding to their question of His authority. Jesus used a parable to teach them and warn them about rejecting Him. In the message entitled, What Will You Do with Jesus?, we looked at their response to the parable, and how it pertains to our lives.

Tonight’s message was about serving the Lord. Many people who used to serve the Lord stop doing so, for a variety of reasons. In II Corinthians 4, the apostle Paul gives us a number of reasons why he determined to continue in the ministry, despite the many trials he faced. We trust the message, Continuing in Ministry, will help you continue the ministry that God has given you, or perhaps begin an area of service that God has put upon your heart.