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April 1st Sermons Online

Since today was Friends and Family Day, both messages focused around the theme of friendship.

In this morning’s sermon, Pastor Wyatt used the account of Jesus’ triumphal entry, along with some other Scriptures to preach a message entitled, Fans, Followers, Friends, and the True Friend. The message speaks of the different levels of commitment believers have for the Lord, and concluded with a focus on Jesus Christ as the greatest Friend we can ever know.

Friends are an important part of life from the earliest of childhood, right through life. The influence of friends is great, so a good friend is a wonderful asset, but a bad friend can be a big downfall. Not surprisingly, the Bible has much to say about friendship, both by way of example and exhortation. In tonight’s message, Pastor Wyatt preached from Proverbs 27 about True Friendship.