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April 21st Sermons

This morning’s message was from a very familiar parable – that of the marriage supper. At first read, this parable seems to have a very unfair element, for one of the guests that was invited to come was cast out of the feast for not being dressed for the occasion. I say this seems unfair because he was one of the guests that wasn’t really expecting to go to the wedding, but was invited when the servants went into the highways to bring people in. An understanding of the culture of the day gives us meaningful insight, and brings out a very important point of consideration for us. According to the Bible, there is coming a day when there will be a great wedding feast, but if you would be there, you must understand this vital truth. Listen to this morning’s message, Will You Be at the Wedding?

Tonight we took our text from Psalm 116, and considered reasons why we should love the Lord. Although we are commanded to love the Lord, it seems that many times we don’t love Him, or at least don’t show it. Surely there are many reasons we should love Him, and in preparation for communion tonight, we considered but a few. We pray that the message, Do You Love the Lord? will be a blessing to you, and help you to love the Lord more.