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April 22nd Sermons are Online

Did you ever wonder if you are the only one that has struggles and doubts in your faith? Perhaps due to some trial or difficulty we face, we wonder if God knows, or cares. At these times, we may think we are the only ones that deal with these struggles, and that others are immune to such thoughts, especially the great Bible characters ~ surely they were above such things, weren’t they? In this morning’s message, Encouragement for a Wounded Soldier, Pastor Wyatt preached about John the Baptist’s question for Jesus, and Jesus’ compassionate response to him.

In today’s society, the church is often not looked upon very favourably. Even many Christians seem to consider it out of date, and think they are doing God a favour by attending perhaps a service each week, resulting in declining attendance, cancellation of services and the closure of some churches altogether. But what is Jesus’ opinion of the church? Did He just establish for a time which is now passed, or did He mean it to continue on until His return? In, A Glorious Church, Pastor Wyatt preached a message from Ephesians 5 addressing some of these things.