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August 12th Sermons

Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Yes, our Lord is all powerful! So powerful that during His earthly ministry He healed the sick, raised the dead, cleansed lepers and did many other great things. Yet, in our Matthew 13, Jesus was said to have not done very many mighty works in Nazareth – what would hinder our all-powerful Saviour from doing many mighty things there? He had the same power to heal there as in other places but He was hindered, hindered by the unbelief of the people. You see, they remembered Him growing up there so they thought they knew Him, and they didn’t believe Him to be the Messiah. Because of their unbelief, they missed out on the great things Jesus would have done there. Listen to, Are You Limiting God? to hear more, and how this can apply to us.  

From childhood we are taught to set goals and have ambition, yet in Jeremiah 45:5, the Lord says, And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not: Is it wrong then to have goals, dreams and aspirations to do great things? Does God not want us to set goals? Surely this is not the case, for Paul said, I press toward the mark… he then exhorted his listeners to follow after  (Philippians 3:14-15). In tonight’s message, What Are Your Ambitions? we were reminded of those two words, for thyself, and examined the motives behind our goals.