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A Great Day in the House of the Lord!

This morning we came to Matthew 14 in our study of Matthew. This was a sad day in the ministry of Christ, a day where He was told of the martyrdom of His faithful servant and forerunner, John the Baptist. As we look through this chapter, we see a wicked ruler, who took the life of a faithful servant, and the effect it had on the Saviour. We were reminded that our Lord is moved by adversity, and always has time for His children. Listen to, A Wicked Tetrarch, a Faithful Servant and a Caring Saviour.

Throughout life, we are told, “you can do it”, “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me”, “you can do anything you set your mind to”. While we do sometimes need to be motivated, and need encouragement, these philosophies are basically humanistic and are in stark contrast to Jesus’ words in John 15:4-5, “without me ye can do nothing.” Without Him, we have no life; without Him, we have no eternal life, and without Him, we cannot successfully live the Christian life. The fact is that we can do Nothing Without Him.