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Church Picnic!

Today, in celebration of Canada Day, was our church picnic. We had a great time of fellowship and of course, lots of good food!

Of course, before the picnic we had our regular morning service where we not only sang our national anthem and praises to God, but also opened God’s Word. Our text for this morning’s message was Matthew 26 which deals with the anointing of Jesus by Mary while at dinner in Simon’s house. No doubt there are many lessons to be learned from this portion of Scripture, but we took time to focus on Mary’s sacrifice of ointment. This sacrifice was to be a testimony to believers in years to come, for Jesus said it was to be told wherever the Gospel was preached. In a day of comfortable Christianity our hearts were challenged by, The Testimony of a Willing Sacrifice.

Following the picnic, we stayed outside whilst we sang some songs to the accompaniment of a guitar, and opened God’s Word once again. Because we were outside, this afternoon’s sermon was not recorded. In light of our outdoor service this afternoon, we did not have a service at 6pm.