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December 29th at Beacon

Well, after having to cancel last Sunday’s services due to the ice storm it was wonderful to meet together and worship the Lord this week! Missing church sure throws the schedule out, and as a result, we completely forgot to take the necessary equipment to record the mornng sermon – our apologies to our online listeners!

Our morning message was the conclusion of our series, Worth all the Celebration, and we looked at Bethlehem as being the place prepared for Jesus birth, then directed our thoughts to the fact that Jesus came to prepare us for a place that He is preparing in Heaven. What a wonderful thing to realize that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us, and one day, will come again to take us there!

In the evening, we sang Christmas carols by candlelight, read the Christmas story in Matthew and Luke, then spoke of The Wonders of Christmas. There was the wonder of the preparation ~ a planning which began in eternity past; there was the wonder of the presentation ~ the angels, the star, the shepherds, and the lowly manger; but perhaps the greatest wonder is the wonder of the purpose ~ Jesus came to save us from our sin, surely there is no greater love than that! We trust the message will bless your heart.