No Evening Service August 4th

December 2nd Sermons Are Online

This week was certainly an unusual one, and a reminder of the truth of Proverbs 27:1. Truly we don’t know what a day will bring and should be thankful for each day. On Wednesday, we were rearranging the church basement when Pastor developed chest pains. A visit to the hospital discovered that the cause was a collapsed lung. As a result of this injury and not knowing how long treatment would take, Brother Kaufman graciously offered to fill the pulpit this morning.

No doubt we’ve all tried generic products to save a few dollars and have been disappointed – despite the claims made to the contrary, some of those products just don’t work out like we had hoped. On a much more serious level, the Bible warns us against trading the truth for a lie. There are many claims made in society, and we have the freedom to decide for ourselves, but at the end of the day, we will suffer the consequences if we choose our own way. Listen to the morning’s message from Romans 1 entitled, Going Cheap.

Pastor was back in the pulpit tonight and preached a timely message from John 4 entitled, It’s Time to Lift up Your Eyes. In the text, the disciples, though busy serving the Lord, had missed out on some great opportunities and Jesus told them that they needed to lift up their eyes. In examination of the text, we find that we too can be guilty of the same tunnel vision they had and need to lift up our eyes too.