No Evening Service August 4th

December 8th at Beacon

This morning as we met around God’s Word, we spent time pondering the Christmas season once again. In some ways, it is an amazing thing that we are still celebrating the birth of someone 2000 years later, but when we consider Who that Someone is, and the change He has made in the world it is not amazing at all! From Genesis 12, the message entitled, A Worthwhile Celebration – A Blessing for All, focussed on the promise made to Abraham that in him, all families of the earth would be blessed. Click on the link to listen to the message and hear how that promise was fulfilled. As you will undoubtedly agree, this promise makes Christmas a worthwhile celebration.

In the evening, Bro. Greg Kaufman brought a message from Daniel 1. From this familiar story, we were reminded that no matter what life throws at us, The Little Things Always Matter, when it comes to the service of the Lord.