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February 10th Sermons are Online

This morning in our study of Matthew, we came to the story of two blind men receiving their sight. The back drop for this exciting story was Jericho, the city made famous by the Israelite conquest of Joshua. Though we often take Jesus’ power for granted, giving sight to the blind in nothing short of miraculous. This miracle is also reminds of Jesus’ power to give spiritual sight. Listen to the Message, Can You See to Follow Jesus? to find out what these two men did after receiving their sight, and the challenge that should bring to us.

Tonight’s message was centred around the verse we have chosen for February, Ephesians 3:19, a verse about God’s love. Sometimes we take His love for granted and think we know all about it. In a message entitled, Do You Understand God’s Love? we took a closer look at God’s love, and the effect understanding that love has on our lives.