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February 26th Sermons are Online

Have you ever felt like you were so busy that you were bound to miss something? During Jesus’ earthly ministry, His life was extremely busy. He went from one event to another; ministering to many along each step of the way. In Matthew 9:18-26 it would at first seem that the inevitable had happened – the busyness of the Lord’s life had caused Him to miss being able to help one in need – it seems He arrived too late. Had He? Find out in this morning’s message, God is Never Too Late.

It’s easy to get distracted from what God has called us to do. If you have experienced this in your life, don’t feel alone, in Colossians 4:17, Paul exhorted Archippus to fulfill his ministry. This was the topic of tonight’s message by missionary Jake Wiebe, Take Heed to the Ministry.