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He is Risen!

Praise the Lord that today we can celebrate the fact that we have a risen Saviour!

Looking at the story of Jesus Christ, some may think that He was the unfortunate victim of an angry crowd, or the jealousy of the religious leaders of His day. perhaps some would even consider that He was the victim of a poorly chosen friendship, resulting in His being betrayed.  But a closer look at the Bible, would reveal something quite different. We see in the Bible that what Christ suffered was something was carefully planned by an all-wise God, in a plan that began before the foundation of the world; a plan put into place at the entrance of sin into the world; a plan that was perfectly orchestrated & executed in “the fullness of time”. Yes, according to Luke 24:46, It Behoved Him to Suffer, and to Rise Again, and this is the title for this morning’s message, which we trust will bless your heart.

This afternoon, in another message from Luke 24, we find a somewhat unusual situation, a situation where some disciples failed to recognize their Saviour. Though they had spent much time with Him, their eyes were held from recognizing Him, until the end of the day, they recognized Him in the breaking of the bread.  I’m reminded that there are times in our lives too where we fail to recognize God’s presence in our lives, due to the busyness of the day, or our lack of focus on Him.  Sometimes it takes a time like communion, to get our focus back on the Lord.  These were the thoughts behind the message, Made Known in the Breaking of the Bread.