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January 29th Sermons are Online

Have you ever wondered just how important your testimony is? Could someone listening to what the Lord has done for you have an affect on them? In this morning’s sermon from Matthew 8, we find Jesus being told to leave the country of the Gergesenes, after delivering 2 men from a life of hopeless despair. One of those men said he wanted to go with Jesus but Jesus sent him home instead. We find a few months later, when Jesus returned  to the same area, He was received with open arms – could it be that the man’s testimony had made that difference and prepared the people for Jesus’ return? Find out in this morning’s message entitled, The Testimony of a Changed Life.

Though another sermon was prepared and planned, Pastor Wyatt felt led tonight to preach more about the man of Gadara, based on Mark’s account in Mark 5. What was it that Jesus instructed this man, whose life had been so transformed, to do? Find out in the message entitled, Go Home to Thy Friends.