Last Sunday, we were blessed to have Brent Marowelli in our services representing First Bible International. We were both blessed and challenged by his messages as we were reminded of how privileged we are to have God’s Word so readily available in our language, and yet how many people in the world don’t have God’s Word in their language at all. May God send forth many labourers into His harvest field in these days so that the unreached may be reached!
This morning we got back to our study in the book of Matthew, coming again to chapter 26, and the account of Judas’ betrayal of Christ. Many questions may arise in our minds as we wonder how one of Jesus’ own could betray Him to His enemies. Perhaps at the root of the matter is a question as to Judas’ motives for following Jesus in the first place. Though it seemed he fit in with everyone else, as we consider the record of his place amongst the twelve, we see that this betrayal was foreshadowed throughout the Gospels, and that he was not the genuine disciple that he seemed to be. We trust that the message, The Cost of a Pretended Profession will challenge your heart in many ways.
This evening, we took time to look at our verse for the month of July, Psalm 116:7. This verse talks about rest, a theme with which each of us is familiar to a greater or lesser degree, especially with summer holidays upon us. Though God set the example of physical rest in His creation of the world, and though throughout Scripture physical rest is talked about, the rest in our text is rest for the soul – it is a spiritual rest. Yes, God is not only interested in us getting physical rest, He has also given us the means whereby we may enjoy rest for our souls, both now and in eternity. May God speak to your heart as you listen to, Time for Some Rest.