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July 15th Sermons are Online

This morning we continued our series through Matthew. As we carried on in chapter 13, we came to a most sobering parable – that of the wheat and the tares. Though very simple in principle, the impact of its application is great. Some people speak of hell as difficult times on earth, but the Bible is clear that hell is a very literal place – a place of eternal suffering for all those who fail to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Through this parable, the lost are compelled to turn to Jesus for the salvation He has so lovingly provided. Believers on the other hand are challenged to be thankful for their salvation, and motivated to win the lost to Christ. Click the link to listen to, The Parable of the Tares.

Partaking of the Lord’s Supper is always a special and blessed time. With that in mind, tonight’s message was centred around the suffering and crucifixion of Christ. Taking our text from Hebrews 12:1-3, the message entitled, The Joy that was Set Before Him focused on what Jesus went through to provide our salvation, and how the salvation of souls even today, was part of that joy that was before Christ in the darkest hours of His earthly ministry.