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July 1st Sermon is Online

Being Canada Day today, our thoughts were directed to our nation. Psalm 33:12 says, Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Seeing all the beauty and richness of Canada, there is no doubt that our country has been blessed by God. In this morning’s sermon, we looked at some of the pivotal figures who helped to shape Canada, and found that indeed, there were some Godly influences in the founding of our nation – things God could bless! Many things have changed since those early days of our country’s history, and sadly some of that change has taken Canada away from its Christian roots. Is there any hope of Canada returning to its heritage? Listen to the message entitled, Oh, Canada to find out.

This afternoon was our annual picnic. We enjoyed some tasty food, encouraging fellowship, singing, and had a devotion based on the theme for the Order of Canada, DESIDERANTES MELIOREM PATRIAM (They desire a better country), which is also on the Canadian coat of arms. The basis for this motto is Hebrews 11:16, and our thoughts were centred around the great country in which we live; the greatest Country (Heaven), and how Christians should make Canada a better place. (Unfortunately, because we were outside, this message was not recorded.) 

All around, it was a great day and the weather could not have been better for the occassion!

What a great Country ~ what a great Saviour!