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June 17th Sermons are Online

Today was a great day as we celebrated Father’s Day. As father’s, today is a day to ponder our responsibilities, while also enjoying the privilege God has given us in allowing us to be fathers. Father’s Day is also an opportunity to reflect on the Fatherhood of God. Though many have been let down by an earthly father, it is a wonderful thing to know that God never fails His children.

This morning, we continued with our series of messages in Matthew, coming to the conclusion of chapter 12. In this portion of Scripture, Jesus responds to those asking a sign from Him, despite the fact that they had seen so much that should have caused them to believe. Jesus offered them one further sign – that of the prophet Jonah. Yes, though they would have to wait to see it, Jesus’ resurrection should prove beyond all doubt, that He was the Messiah. As the chapter concludes, Jesus teaches an important lesson on the Fatherhood of God. The message entitled, Evil Generation or Jesus’ Relation can be found on our Audio Sermons page, or by clicking on the link above.

Tonight, we opened God’s Word to 3rd John to consider a lesson from the life of Gaius. This was a man who is said to have done well, by bringing others along their journey after a Godly sort. No doubt all believers hope to hear the words, “well done” from our Lord one day, but perhaps wonder how that is possible. Just what does it take to “do well”? Does it take doing some great thing, or monumental task? Listen to tonight’s message, Doing Well, to find out.