No Evening Service August 4th

June 23rd Sermons are online!

Sorry for the delay – still dealing with a few technical difficulties, not to mention a busy schedule – but we now have June 23rd’s sermons online.

After spending a number of verses answering the disciples’ questions about the destruction of Jerusalem, His coming and the end of the world, Jesus concludes His discussion of the topic at the end of Matthew 25. Though it evidently didn’t answer all of their questions because they asked again in Acts 1 after His resurrection, Jesus had given them all the information and answers they needed. For now it was, The Conclusion of the Matter.

On Sunday night, it was our monthly hymn sing, but this week we had the added blessing of watching a video of the transformation of our building, and those who worked so hard. Between the singing, the video & some wonderful testimonies, the message was a little shorter, but we did spend some time in Nehemiah, looking at the matter of joy. In Nehemiah 8, Israel was told that the joy of the Lord was their strength. This reminded us that true joy comes from God, and that He is a God of joy! We trust the message, A Time for Joy, will be a blessing to you.