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March 10th Sermons are Online

The time jumped ahead 1 hour, but the people of God gathered in God’s house ready to sing His praise and hear a message from His Word.

This morning we got back to our study on Matthew, and came to the cleansing of the temple. In a message entitled, Perfected Praise in a Clean Temple, we considered why Jesus acted as He did when He entered the temple of God. We then related this to our day by considering that God dwells in His people today and asked the question, what would Jesus do if He came physically to the churches of today? Would there be things that needed to be turned over, and cast out?

Tonight we gathered around God’s Word again, and taking our text from Proverbs 3, we considered the difference between religion and serving God from the heart. God isn’t looking for outward form alone, He is looking for people to obey and serve out of a heart of love, indeed, the Christian life is, A Matter of the Heart.