No Evening Service August 4th

March 11th Sermons Online

Did you ever wonder if God could use you? If you have the talents necessary to serve God? This morning, Pastor Wyatt preached about the 12 apostles – they were all unique, each with their own strengths and short comings, yet they were sent out by Jesus. We noted too that the ability they were sent with was not their own, but came from the Lord Himself. It is evident throughout Scripture that God equips those who are willing to be used – and that includes us too. To hear more, listen to the message entitled, Preparing for the Harvest.

Sometimes we think that all the parables are contained in the New Testament, but such is not the case. God used a parable about the watchman of a city as he taught Ezekiel the great responsibility he had to warn Israel of God’s impending judgement. In tonight’s message, What Kind of Watchman are You?, Pastor Wyatt related the duties of the watchman to believers today. We have a great responsibility before God to warn people of His coming judgement, especially as we see the the coming of the Lord drawing closer.


And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26