No Evening Service August 4th

March 18th Sermons are Online

Do you ever feel like the job you are given was a little harder than you expected, that maybe the person who offered you the job didn’t give you the full story? That is something the apostles couldn’t say about the job Jesus gave them. In the message this morning, Commissioning the Twelve, Pastor Wyatt preached from Matthew 10, where Jesus gave instructions to the apostles when He sent them out. This was a very specific commission, not to be confused with the Great Commission, and He warned them what they would face as they went out.

Whenever we are doing anything worthwhile in life, there will be hindrances – either people or things will come into our life which will potentially slow you down and keep you from doing what you should be doing. This is particularly prevalent in the Christian life. In tonight’s message, Is Something Hindering You?, Pastor Wyatt examined some of these hindrances, and how to avoid them.