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March 3rd Sermons are Online

We had another great day in the Lord’s house here in Cambridge today. The fellowship was sweet and the messages challenged and encouraged our hearts.

This morning, in a message entitled, Accepting God unto Holiness, Greg Kaufman brought a challenging message from 1 Thessalonians 4, reminding us that as believers God has called us not only unto salvation, but unto holiness, and that Christians are set apart to be used by God.

Tonight, in a sermon entitled, Lessons Learned in the Wilderness for Victory in the Promised Land, Pastor Wyatt preached a message from Deuteronomy 8. Though Moses was reminding the Israelites of their time spent in the wilderness, it was in reference to their dwelling in the Promised Land. Similarly, believers can look back at what God has done in their lives to prepare them for what God has planned for them in the future.

We trust these messages will be a blessing to you as they were to those in attendance at our services today.