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May 19th Sermons are Online

Last Sunday morning, we came to Matthew 24 in our study of this great book.  At the beginning of the chapter we find the disciples in awe of the beautiful temple buildings, and drawing them to the attention of the Saviour.  His response was to remind them that though beautiful, the temple would one day be utterly destroyed. This of course brought about some questions as when it would take place and what signs would there be as to that, His return, and the end of the world.  Jesus answered their questions as to signs, but also gave them some very practical instruction relating to the future.  Many of us also have questions about to the future, and we trust the message, Practical Instructions with the Future in Mind, will be a blessing to you.

Inn the evening, we took time to talk about the church. Just what is the church anyway? Does church matter? Why do we have the? Listen to, The CHURCH, which uses the letters C-H-U-R-C-H to describe some Biblical truths about the church.