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October 21st Sermons are Online

Being Missions Month, for the last 2 weeks we have enjoyed visiting missionary preachers. Although Pastor Wyatt was back behind the pulpit today, this morning’s sermon continued with our missions emphasis. Beginning in perhaps the best known verse in the Bible, John 3:16, Missions – God’s Program is a message about the Passion, Power and Partnership of missions. We trust it will be a challenge to you, as it was to us today. There is so much to do to reach this world with the Gospel – may God help us to be involved in His program of missions.

As we gathered around the Lord’s table in our service tonight we had several wonderful testimonies from folks about when they got saved and the change it brought to their lives – what a blessing! Being the Lord’s Supper, we took our text from I Corinthians 11, and noted that verse 26 tells us that by partaking in Communion, we “shew” the Lord’s death, until He comes. The word “shew” means to proclaim, declare, preach, speak of, teach. This tied in the observance of the Lord’s Supper with our month’s theme on missions. Listen to the message, Missions and the Lord’s Supper, to hear more of the parallels between missions and communion.