After a few weeks away to focus on missions, this morning we got back to our study of Matthew – though we didn’t leave missions out of the picture. The text for the message was Matthew 16:13-20, and the title was, Missions – the Church in Action. In the text, Jesus asks the disciples who others say He is, then who they say He is. There was a wide divergence both then and now as to who people think Jesus is, and that divergence has led to a multiplicity of religions. Your belief as to who Jesus is will not only determine your religion, it will also determine your eternal destiny (see John 8:24). With these thoughts in mind, no wonder it was upon Peter’s profession of Jesus being the Christ that Jesus stated He would build His church, and that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. We trust your heart will be blessed as you listen to the message today.
Though tonight was our monthly hymn sing, we concluded our missions emphasis month with a message entitled, Seven Principles in Giving to Missions, from Philippians 4:10-19. In a letter to this missions-minded church, we learn much about giving to missions, and how God sees it. Tonight’s message highlights some of these truths reminding us of the great partnership between those who go to the mission field, and those who support them from the home front. Truly our financial investment involves so much more than money!