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Oh It’s Wonderful to Be a Christian!

The words of this song came to my mind as I reflected on today. We were blessed by the presence of God, and the warmth of Christian fellowship at church today.

This morning’s message was about Enoch, pleasing God, and walking with God by faith. Enoch’s testimony of pleasing God was a challenge to the people of his day, and continues to be so to us today. May your heart be touched as ours were today as you listen to, Pleasing God is a Matter of Faith.

Tonight’s service included favourites, testimonies, and fellowship. The text for the message was taken from Nehemiah 2:1-4, where the king had noticed that Nehemiah was sad-faced. From this Scripture, we were faced with the question, How’s Your Countenance? Though all of us face things in life that bring sadness, as Christians, our countenance should typically by one of happiness as we reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness to us.