It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… Yes, all the snow on the ground certainly does make it look more like Christmas, but our children’s church Christmas presentation made us realize that Christmas will soon be upon us. They did a wonderful job of presenting the story of Christmas – thank you children and workers for all your hard work!
Our message this morning continued the theme of Christmas being a worthwhile celebration as we went to Luke 2 and considered the message of the angel to the shepherds. The angel told them that the news of Jesus’ birth was good news, and that it was for all people. Though those words were spoken some 2000 years ago, the message that Jesus came to save is still good news today because He still saves people today too. With those thoughts in mind, the sermon was entitled, A Worthwhile Celebration – Good Tidings for All. We trust that these thoughts will bless your hearts as they did ours.
Christmas is definitely a busy time, and it is easy to get so focused on the gifts and glitter, that we forget the reason for the celebration. Though we are nowhere commanded to celebrate Christmas, there is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying this season, but we must be careful that we are, Keeping it All in Perspective, and that is exactly what we talked about tonight as we opened our Bibles to II Corinthians 9. May God speak to your heart through His Word as you listen to this message.