Just a note to apologize to our online audience. Unfortunately this morning’s sermon didn’t get recorded due to a technical difficulty. (OK, we forgot to the turn on the sound system – oops!).
The sermon was about the persistent faith of the woman of Canaan in Matthew 15:21-28. Though it looks to us that Jesus was reluctant to heal the woman’s daughter, such was not the case – He was testing her faith. He knew that her faith was such that she wouldn’t quit asking until He answered her, but it sure is a good lesson for us. We so often give up in prayer, thinking God doesn’t care, when we really ought to persist until He answers, or says no! Another great blessing in this story was to notice that the woman was satisfied by the “crumbs”. She recognized that even the “leftovers” from the Lord are enough to satisfy our needs. Though you can’t listen to the story, read the text and let God speak to your heart.