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Sunday September 29th at Beacon

In Isaiah 56:7, God says that His house shall be called the house of prayer for all people. While we know that He is referring to the temple, in our study of the church in 1 Timothy 3, we saw that the church is also called the house of God. This morning’s message was taken from I Timothy 2:1-8, where we are exhorted and challenged to pray. Putting this into the context of our study on the church, this morning’s sermon is entitled, A Prayerful Church. God wants His people to be a praying people, and His church to be a place of prayer.

In our evening service, we sang some favourite hymns and some folks shared things that God has been doing in their lives. It is always a blessing to hear that the Lord is at work in people’s lives, and that was the thought behind our message for the evening, The Value of Sharing. I trust it will help you to recognize the great opportunity we have to tell people about God’s work in our lives because we just never know how God that use it to encourage and strengthen others.