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A Memorable Day

Today was an exciting day in the life of Beacon Baptist Church as we saw new members unite with us, by testimony, and by baptism.  We trust that there will be many more days like this as we sow and water the Word, while looking to the Lord to give the harvest.

This morning’s message concluded our study of the book of Matthew with a sermon on the great commission entitled, A Message Worth Sharing. It was very fitting that the sermon spoke of baptism as we finished the service with one following the Lord in this step of obedience.

This evening we took our text from II Corinthians 1, and preached about comfort. Though this portion of Scripture is often used to help those grieving the loss of a loved one, there are many other circumstances in life where we need to be comforted. We trust that the message, What a Comfort! will be a help to many, whatever they are facing in life.