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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Well, here we are again – Christmas Sunday.

It’s been some 2012 years since the birth of Jesus Christ and yet we are still celebrating it. Though some may question the celebration of Christmas because it is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, for the believer, Jesus’ coming to the earth is cause for celebration. The familiar words of the Christmas story are read year after year, yet are so powerful! It is a story that is old, yet each year there always seems to be a newness about it – an excitement and sense of anticipation! What is it about this story that makes it different than any other? This morning we looked at the wonderful Christmas story from Luke 2 in a message entitled, The Good Tidings of Christmas.

Tonight we had a candlelight carol service. There is something about those old Christmas carols and the story they tell – the story of Jesus’ coming to earth. Throughout the carols, we read the nativity story from Matthew 1 and Luke 2. For our message, we considered the various characters of the Christmas story – the people of Bethlehem; the innkeeper; the shepherds; the wise men, and king Herod. They all reacted differently to the arrival of Jesus Christ, and so do we, begging the question, How are You Celebrating Christmas?