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This is the Day that the Lord hath Made

We had another wonderful day in the house of the Lord today. What a blessing to meet around the Word of God and hear from the Lord!

This morning’s message found us in Matthew 21 again. Jesus was teaching in the temple when He was interrupted by some who questioned His authority.  In our text, Jesus told a parable of two sons which quickly got to the heart of the matter.  The issue was the unwillingness of some to accept God’s authority and obey Him with their lives. There is an application for us in these verses and God spoke to our hearts. We trust He will speak to yours as well as you listen to, Do You Respect God’s Authority?

Tonight being our monthly hymn sing, we took a little extra time in singing. What a WONDERFUL time we had singing the great hymns of the faith, but no service is complete without some time in God’s Word!  Taking our text from Lamentations 5, we looked at the fact that there are some things that can take away your song.  We trust the message, Don’t Let Sin Take Away Your Song, will be a challenge and blessing to you.