No Evening Service August 4th

Winter’s Back!

For a while there, it looked like another winter without the weather, but today winter came back! Despite the blustery day, we had a great time in the Lord’s house.

It is easy in life to sacrifice the future for the present. We live for what we can see, rather than what we can’t. Sometimes we want to do the right thing, but aren’t willing to pay the price, and walk away sad – sad that the right thing cost more than we wanted it to. Such is the case in our text today – a young man came to Jesus with great expectation, but left sorrowful because he wasn’t willing to follow our Lord’s command. The story is found in Matthew 19, and the message is entitled, Don’t Miss Heaven for the World. Unfortunately due to some technical difficulties, the introduction was not recorded, but we trust the balance of the message will be a blessing to you.

Many times we go along in our Christian lives almost in auto pilot – casually praying, routinely reading our Bibles, nonchalantly attending church. Let’s face it, we can get pretty “comfortable” in our Christian life when we’ve been saved for a while. In our comfort, we can putter along thinking everything is fine, until we come to a situation that tests our faith and relationship to God. It then becomes evident that we are not as close to God as we thought we were and that God isn’t using us like He once was. This is not unique to our lives but is seen in the lives of saints of old as well. God has given is the Old Testament that we might learn from those who have gone before. Tonight’s Message, Don’t Take God’s Power for Granted looks at the life as Samson, and examines how he drifted along, presuming God was with him, until one day, he found out he’d gone too far.