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Have a F.A.N.tastic Fall

Summertime tends to be a time where we get out of regular routine – being out of school and on vacation allows for lazy days without much structure. However, once the Labour Day weekend is past, reality begins again! Back to school and work brings that familiar sound of alarm clocks buzzing; bleary eyed children sit at their school desks, while their parents rush to work; homework and over time become the norm again. Welcome fall!

The summer affects people spiritually too. People who normally attend church regularly can become lackadaisical and get out of the routine of being in church, sometimes even forgetting it is Sunday! When fall comes around, many churches have special events to get people back to church again and promote their fall programs.

We have called the next few Sundays at Beacon F.A.N.tastic Fall Sundays. We are busy inviting our Family, Acquaintances and Neighbours to worship with us and fill up some empty seats. Some have been absent during the summer months, some have been “meaning” to attend but never got around to it and others who have never thought much about it at all!

We invite you to come and worship with us THIS Sunday – it would make our fall F.A.N.tastic, and we think it would do the same for yours too!