No Evening Service August 4th

June 24th Sermons are Online

Does life ever feel like a repetitive cycle? Is there a purpose to that cycle? Who designed this cycle? These were some of the questions posed in a message from Ecclesiastes 3 this morning entitled, Enjoying A Meaningful Mortality, preached by Greg Kaufman. Listen to the message to find out the answers, and a blessed gift God has given to us.

As tonight was our monthly hymn sing, we took some extra time to sing some of the great hymns of the faith. We sure had a great time singing these favourites, and hearing the testimonies of some who shared what God had been doing in their life. We serve a great God, and it is wonderful to hear people share what He means to them! After the singing and testimonies, we opened our Bible to Colossians 3 for the message, considering the Source, Service, Selection & Saviour of Our Song.