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September 23rd Sermons are Online

The compassion of Jesus in His earthly ministry never ceases to amaze me. Wherever He was, He ministered to people. Sometimes it was a large crowd, while other times it was a single person – all were important to Him. This morning we took our text from Matthew 15 where Jesus ministered to great multitudes. Within that crowd, there were tremendous and varied needs – blind, lame, dumb, maimed and many other ailments – and Jesus healed them all – what an amazing Saviour. After healing these people, He further chose to minister to them by feeding them – what a caring, gracious Saviour! Although it had been such a busy time, Jesus wasn’t finished yet for He took ship and headed to Magdala, such was The Passion of the Saviour.

Tonight we turned our attention to the book of Jude, a short but powerful book where believers are challenged to contend for the faith, and to beware of false teachers. Just as in Jude’s day, Christians today need to be established in their faith, growing and sharing the wonderful message of salvation. Let God speak to your heart as you listen to, Four C’s of the Christian Life.